8 . Index Operations

Including Dynamic lists, filters, sorting,

The anatomy of the index render

Technically, index doesn't have 'its own' inner HTML. It's a wrapper(in this example <div>) around multiple vptl items. Practically, we are speaking of:

  • index of views

  • index of previews

  • index of teasers, and

  • index of liners.

In the following example the first <div> inside the <main> is an index of Things.

Index toolbar

Index toolbar exposes the settings of the index.

Change the HTML wrapper (Render As)

We can change the HTML wrapper of an index via 'Render as' option. Currently available options are <ul>, <ol> and <div>. In the future we could expect this list to be enhanced with other HTML renders such as: <select>, 'json' and 'custom tag'(for web components).

Fold Options

Fold and 'Number of Items'

The fold definition gives the choice an index to be rendered as a: pure list, paginated list or lazy loaded list. The fold definition is leveraged with the 'number of items'.

List (pure list)

In the pure list, the number of items represents how many items we will show. For example show only 3 items at all.

Paginate (paginated list)

When the list is paginated, the number of items represents by how many items the index will be paginated. For example: Paginate the list by 3 items. If total number of items in db is 18 we will have 6 pages, each showing 3 items.

Lazy (lazy loaded list)

In this case the the number of items shows how many additional items will be loaded into the list when a visitor clicks the 'load more' button. For example: The index will initially contain 3 items. When a visitor clicks 'load more' button, 3 more items are loaded into the list which now contains 6 items in total and is probably scrollable at this point.

Default Render

You can choose through which vptl render items in a list will be rendered. For example: If you choose 'preview', all the items in the list will be rendered as previews, meaning we will have index of previews.

CSS Class

We can enter default CSS class which will appear on each item in the list.


We can sort the list choosing the field and direction of sorting.

Also, it is possible to add multiple fields as the sorting criteria.

  1. Core Concepts
    1. Structured Data, MicroData, Schema.org
    2. GraphDB & Dynamic Content
    3. Html Renders (VPTL Model)
    4. Semantic HTML  (Document Semantics)
    5. CSS & Preprocessors
    6. External CSS & JS Libraries
    7. Integrated CMS
    8. Momentum Network and Market
  2. Environment
    1. Viewport
    2. Project Settings
    3. Tools Panel
    4. Code Editor & External Libraries
    5. Visual Helpers
    6. Web Parser
    7. Structure Panel
    8. Render Panel
    9. Stylebook
    10. Assets
  3. HTML
    1. Layout Structure (Master Template)
    2. Basic HTML Building
    3. Parsing Pre-made HTML
    4. Working With Snippets
    5. HTML In Dynamic Collection
    6. Hidden HTML Elements
    7. Forms
    8. Container Lock
  4. Website Structure
    1. Blank Pages
    2. Schema.org Classes
    3. Collections
    4. Collection Properties
    5. DIMS Module Settings
    6. Stylebook (vptli)
    7. Using Render Panel
    8. Index Operations
    9. Relations Between Collections
    10. Taxonomies
  5. Schema.org, Advanced
    1. Independent vs Context
    2. Testing Schema
    3. Knowing When To Stop
  6. Classes & Attributes, Advanced
    1. Auto Generated Classes
    2. Dynamic Attributes
  7. DIMS (CMS)
    1. Overview
    2. DIMS Interfaces
    3. DIMS Modules
    4. Publishing Content
  8. Building Editing Flow
    1. Inbound & Outbound Relations
    2. Using Dims Attributes
  9. Going Live
    1. Connect An External Domain Name